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  • Secondary School Class Direction


    1. Middle School English Learning

    · Collaborative curriculum instruction program for Korean teachers and native speakers (classes by level)

    · To teach English novels and current affairs English in parallel, to immerse yourself in the pleasure of reading English

    · Cultivation of the ability to write words that fit the usage method using vocabulary build-up in English grammar and current affairs English

    · Teaching text reading-vocab study-debate aiming at discussion lessons based on the subject

    · Read articles on various topics and write journal notebooks with your own stories

    · Acquisition of basic knowledge in social and scientific fields using US (English) textbooks

    · Voca-reading-writing integrated learning through English reading program

    2. Social subject

    · Course composition and learning goals

    · Integrated judgment on social phenomena

    · Ability to explore complex social phenomena

    · Open and active response as a global citizen

    · Learning ethical and social thoughts in Korea and the East and the West

    · Critical thinking skills on various ethical issues

    · Ability to understand and criticize world history and Asian history

    3. Science subject

    · Course composition and learning goals

    · Comprehensive understanding of science concepts necessary to understand the universe, life, and modern civilization and society

    · Cultivation of the ability to scientifically explore nature

    · Developing the ability to apply in everyday life through understanding the basic concepts of physics

    · Inducing interest and curiosity about nature's regularity and order through chemistry

    · Understanding the basic concepts of life science systematically

    · Investigate life phenomena and cultivate daily life-related problem-solving skills

    · Recognition of the preciousness and beauty of the earth and the universe

    · Cultivating scientific judgment on the problems of the earth and space

    4. High School English Learning

    Curriculum program through collaboration between Korean teachers and native speakers

    · G10 : Basic reading instruction through reading materials and handouts, vocabulary instruction at Voca 22,000 level, SAT-level vocabulary and NEAT-level vocabulary instruction

    · G11 : TOEFL practical questions, special English (university-specific question types, EBS textbooks)

    · G12 : Mapping of college-specific special issues and expected problems, SAT-level vocabulary and NEAT-level vocabulary

    · English Conversation: 100% performance evaluation, practical communication ability instruction through speech, skit (drama type), debate (discussion type), and presentation activities using conversational texts and various presentations based on the level of topics centered on topics

    · English writing: writing sentences, writing paragraphs, and writing essays using various materials and various types of english writing materials (structural engineering writing training)

    · Current affairs: Teaching international issues and current events on the subject of world culture, politics, economy, society, and environment, preparing for special interviews and cultivating background knowledge as global talent

    5. Social/Science subject

    · Course composition and learning goals

    6. 12-year special recipients / Korea University Admission Special Class

    TOEFL, TOPIK, AP, SAT special programs

    · Systematic learning management through real-time video learning and online supplementary learning

    · A complete learning program that combines on-site and on-line instruction

    · Provides supplementary and advanced learning based on work and weekly learning goals and evaluation results

    Operation of reading programs related to majors (parallel reading history certification system)

    TOPIK preparation course opened for 12-year-olds

    Customized experience activities to develop major aptitude  

    · Support for major related club activities


    7. Middle and high school common program


    7-1 Korean / Vietnamese Learning

    Strengthening education by level

    · Cultivation of reading, speaking, writing and listening skills according to the individual level of students (classes by level)

    Proper placement of native and Korean teachers according to level characteristics and subject characteristics

    Separated the language and conversation subjects (grammar is mainly grammar and reading comprehension, and conversation is composed mainly of speaking and listening)

    TOPIK practice test and TOPIK series acquisition

    Promotion of various language-related competitions

    · Korean / Vietnamese Speaking Contest: Prepare a manuscript and present it in Korean / Vietnamese

    · Writing in Korean / Vietnamese: Writing in Korean / Vietnamese according to the suggested method and subject

    · Various club activities related to Korean / Vietnamese

    Establishment and operation of school newspaper classes


    7-2 Level-up Program

    Regular achievement evaluation (English, Korean / Vietnamese, Math) and analysis for all students

    Provides personalized learning environment by selecting targets for prior learning and supplementary learning

    Teaching while learning, creating an interactive learning environment while teaching


    7-3 Supplementary Learning-Teaching students with poor academic achievement

    Student mentee-Mentor Program

    · Mentor and mentee are selected among high school students with high achievement and supplementary learning.

    · Create an environment for studying together using self-study time

    · Weekly and monthly planning and preparation

    · Weekly diagnosis and advice from full-time teachers

    After-school and late-night learning programs

    · Achieve normal academic achievement within one semester

    · After-School Learning: Elective Learning

    · Late-night learning: individual correction and supplementary learning


    7-4 Prior Learning-Teaching students with excellent academic achievement

    Self-directed deep learning

    · Appointment of supervisors (1:1 exclusive)

    · After-school advanced elective courses provided

    · Weekly and monthly learning goal setting

    · Adjustment of execution plan through interim inspection by period and process

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