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    섹션 설정
  • Inrtoduction
  • Elementary
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  • Elementary Education Course


    1. Children who study by themselves based on various experiences

    1-1 Student-centered customized curriculum design


    · Organize classes by level according to the subject (English, Vietnamese, math, etc.)

    · Organized in-depth learning (Mathematics gifted students, English gifted students, arts and crafts gifted students, etc.)

    1-2 Process-oriented achievement evaluation


    · Reading history certification system (write activity history after reading 1 book per week) · Online English Reading Program

    · Daily Reading (1 minute speech in English & Vietnamese)

    · Daily and weekly study diary daily life (grade 1~2 : Picture, English / grade 3~6: English)

    1-3 Strengthen self-directed learning capabilities


    · Individual and monthly study goals set

    · Weekly inspection of progress

    · Assessment of performance and achievement at the end of the month

    1-4 Application of autonomous and active participatory teaching and learning methods


    · Assign individual or team assignments by subject (one subject per month)

    · Discussion and presentation classes at least twice per semester per subject

    1-5 Moon, yes, body training training reinforcement


    · Physical Education Activities: Swimming classes for all students over 1 hour per week, swimming competitions, taekwondo training once a week, aerobic gymnastics

    · Club activities: Operate various club activities related to literary texts

    · Art education: 1 person per 1 instrument (entertainment) education (1-2 grade : male figure / 3-4 grade : musical / 5-6 grade : violin or plot)

    · Choir : Operate the mid-sized or choir organization, and hold presentations for each semester every year

    2. Children who nurture dreams and pioneer the future

    2-1 Conduct personality and career aptitude tests appropriate to the grade level


    · Conduct a personality test for all new students

    · Job exploration activities once every semester

    · World experience activity of one job every semester

    2-2 Revitalization of school after school (8 hours per week, 2 or more courses)


    · Music activities: plot, violin, piano, dance, drum, guitar, danso

    · Physical Education Activities: Soccer, Bedminton, Table Tennis, Basketball, Swimming, Taekwondo

    · Art Activities: Creative writing (essay, simultaneous), UCC production, creative art

    · In-depth study: Fun math class, Vietnamese conversation, activity English, Korean history essay

    2-3 Enhance reading activities


    · Selected and read 10 books in one semester

    · Reading Appreciation Contest and Presentation

    · Reading history certification system · 10 minutes daily reading

    2-4 Develop an international sense and communication skills at the native level


    · MSC (Multi Speech Contest-English, Vietnamese, Chinese) held each semester

    · Hosting foreign language one hundred days every semester (English, Vietnamese, Chinese, other languages)

    · Daily Speech (1 minute speech recording every day and submit)

    3. Children who consider others and share happiness

    3-1 Practice of consideration and sharing with 'Ulrim'


    · Opening and operating a flea market once per semester (student association autonomous activity)

    · Helping disadvantaged neighbors, conducting environmental protection activities around the school

    · Mentor-Ship Program operation

    3-2 Fostering global citizenship through various local cultural experiences


    · Excursions to museums, memorials, and ruins

    · K-POP Festival, World Culture Festival

    · Held friendly sports events and joint concerts with Vietnamese and foreign schools

    3-3 Practice root education to establish identity


    · Korean language education to establish Korean identity

    · Education in Korean history and essay writing in Korean history, held the historical Golden Bell

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