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    섹션 설정
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  • Admission Guide


    1. Admission Application Procedure


    1-1 Admission Inquiries and Admission Counseling

    Inquiry and consultation

    Phone: 097 200 3090, / Kakao Talk ID: kgsinhanoi or / Email: hanoikoreaglobalschool@gmail.com

    Visit consultation

    Working Days 09 : 00 ~ 15 : 00 (Excluding school holidays) / Reservations required 1 day in advance


    1-2 Confirmation of reservation date and procedure

    Confirm or change reservations through the Admissions Office ()


    1-3 Entrance Examination-Document evaluation, paper evaluation, interview, English interview


    G1-2 : conducted by interview / G3~6 : Korean language, mathematics (according to Korean curriculum), English, English interview


    Korean language, mathematics (according to Korean curriculum), English, English interview

    Entrance exam entrance fee : $50 (payment when applying for entrance exam)


    1-4 Admission Decision and Admission Notice

    Notification via wireline, e-mail or SNS within 7 working days after the entrance exam


    1-5 Admission fee and tuition payment

    Payment within 7 working days after admission (individual notice)

    Admission Tuition : $800 (same for all elementary and middle school students)

    Tuition (per year) : Elementary - $10,000 / Middle - $12,000 / High - $14,000

    School bus and lunch meal fee : 3 to 4,000,000vnd on average per month


    2. Documents for admission

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